Venus: The Glamorous Enigma

 Ever lied down under the night sky and looked at the multitude of stars, wondering which one's the brightest? Well, the brightest one is probably Venus. Not only it is our neighbor, but also the Hottest planet in our Solar System.

Venus is named after the Romans' belief of the goddess of Beauty and Love, but quite ironic that the planet is quite hellish and cannot support life.

It apparently looks a lot like our other neighbor Mars (Soon to be discussed) but really isn't.


Unlike Mercury, Mars has an atmosphere, a thick one at that. Even though it's so close to the sun, there is very less sunlight on the surface of the said planet. Due to the density of Venus's atmosphere which is 90 times thicker than that of earth, it's excellent at trapping heat around and near the surface, and temperatures reach so high that it's enough to melt even Lead (metal). 
All of this is because of high concentration of CO₂ (Carbon Dioxide) and Clouds made of Sulfuric Acid, which is why we are so bent on reducing air pollution on Earth, so that it doesn't become the next Venus.


Just like its atmosphere, the surface is just as bad. There are active volcanoes everywhere, along with Lava and magma oozing out of every hole in the land.


Given that Venus is the hottest planet, any guesses as to what might the average temperature here be? 

It is 460 °C, which is greater than the day-side temperature of Mercury. This means that mercury being the closest to the sun doesn't mean it is the hottest planet. Technically speaking, this habitat is probably closest to the explanation of Hell. But the actual hell is beyond our imagination, so let's just not think about that.

Orbit and Rotation

A day on Venus wouldn't be very favorable for us, to be very honest. A single day on this planet lasts 243 earth-days. In other words, it takes a simple 24 hours on earth to complete a single day, but on Venus, it takes approximately 8 months.

The rotation on its own axis its quite slow, but its revolution around the Sun is faster than Earth, taking 225 earth days, where earth takes 365.25 days. (don't get why I wrote "365.25"? You'll get it in the coming posts)

That yellowish one close to earth is Venus, if you're having a hard time recognizing it.


Venus is almost the size of earth, but a little on the smaller side. It is 95% of the earth's total size, where earth's diameter is almost 8000 miles (approx. 13000km). You could say Venus is like a little sister to Earth, right? Because Venus is named after a goddess. Make sense?

That's all for this Planet. Do try to read it all, and don't hesitate to pick out mistakes and bugs which I can correct to improve this post.
If possible, "buy me a coffee" to support my work 😊

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The Brightest One

  Hey guys! Next in line is Venus. Might have realized its specialty by the title of this post 😅. Do give it a read and tell me what you th...